By utilizing our collective power as citizens and constituents we can hold our elected officials and public servants accountable to the highest standards of public service. There are many ways to take action to support the Plans, Policies and Proposals set forth by Mass Police Reform. Here are a some anyone can take right now.

  1. Educate yourself about proposed reforms, why we need reform including the growing list of people Shot by Police in Boston and Beyond and the lack of Police Decertification in Massachusetts and only 5 other states.
  2. Contact Your Elected Officials
  3. Donate (Coming Soon)
  4. Volunteer

Contact Your Elected Officials

Whether you vote or not you have elected officials who represent you at multiple levels. These elected officials are accountable to you and your neighbors and are responsible for representing you. They can pass laws that govern the Police and other Public Servants to hold them accountable to serving the public which includes you and your neighbors. Everyone has multiple representatives at the city, state and federal level.

City (Municipal) Level

The Mayor is not only instrumental in driving City Governance and Policy, his office is also responsible for negotiating with Civil Service Unions including the two Police Unions the BPPA and BPSOF.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh
617-635-4500 | [email protected]

The City Council is responsible for developing law and policy at the city level and representing and responding to constituents’ needs. You are represented by 4 “At-Large” Councilors and District Councilor. Find out what district you live in.

Kim Janey
City Council President, City Councilor, District 7
617-635-3510 | E-Mail | Twitter | Facebook

Annissa Essaibi George
City Councilor, At-Large
617-635-4376 | [email protected] | Twitter | Facebook

Michael Flaherty
City Councilor, At-Large
617-635-4205 | [email protected] | Twitter | Facebook

Julia Mejia
City Councilor, At-Large
617-635-4217 | E-Mail (English) | E-Mail (Spanish)

Michelle Wu
City Councilor, At-Large
617-635-3115 | [email protected] | Twitter | Facebook

Lydia Edwards
City Councilor, District 1
617-635-3200 | [email protected] | Twitter | Facebook

Ed Flynn
City Councilor, District 2
617-635-3203 | [email protected] | Twitter | Facebook

Frank Baker
City Councilor, District 3
617-635-3455 | [email protected] 

Andrea Campbell
City Councilor, District 4
617-635-3131 | [email protected] | Twitter | Facebook

Ricardo Arroyo
City Councilor, District 5
617-635-4210 | [email protected] 

Matt O’Malley
City Councilor, District 6
617-635-4220 | [email protected] | Twitter | Facebook

Kenzie Bok
City Councilor, District 8
617-635-4225 | [email protected] 

Liz Breadon
City Councilor, District 9
617-635-3113 | [email protected]

The Police Commissioner is the Executive Head of the Boston Police Department and is responsible for the management, planning, direction and control of the Department.

Boston Police Department Commissioner William Gross
617-343-4500 | [email protected]

State Level

At the state level, you are represented by a State Representative and Mass State Senator

Find My Legislator – Mass

There are also specific committees within the State Congress who are tasked with certain areas of oversight. Below are some of the relevant committees to contact:

Federal Level

At the federal congressional level you are represented by a US Senator and a US House Representative. They are responsible for federal legislation and representing and responding to the needs of constituents in their district at the national level.

US Senators

Markey, Edward J. – (D – MA)
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-2742 | Contact:

Warren, Elizabeth – (D – MA)
309 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4543 | Contact:

Find Your US Representative


We are formalizing our process for collecting donations. In the meantime here are some great organizations to contribute to:


If you are interested in volunteering with Mass Police Reform please fill out this Volunteer Form.